Category: Technology

  • Cuban revolution, rise of modern communism in the far west

    Cuban revolution, rise of modern communism in the far west

    I’m sure that almost all of who are reading this must have seen the image of a man with lot of hair, cap with a star in it just as many socialist revolutionaries. Yes, he is very popular for his fearless, Marxist, selfless and internationalist spirit- Che Guevara.

  • Pyutilities


    Hi readers since long time I have not published any article related to python or did projects using python. So, this summer we decided to do a new project Pyutilities. The Pyutilities web application is a collection of useful mathematical tools such as perimeter, area, pythogoras and etc. the code I was surprised when I…

  • Communism before Karl Marx

    Prehistoric cave dwellers and hunter and gatherer societies used no money and there was no division of rich and poor, there was no private property (private property means property from which you can make income such land) and all the member of society was delivered social justice. Whatever they got was from the hard work…

  • smart farming device

    smart farming device

    Hello everyone this is not any real device, but I made this chart for my english school project ( to adevertise an imaginary product). But still I am going to make a reall prototype of it after making it I will update the post.

  • The cosmic gift – Mohan Sundara Rajan

    This book is an amazing sci-fi 54 page. story made by popular science writer Mohan Sundara Rajan The book cosmic Gift is a science-fiction book related to many futuristic topics such as Bio- chemistry, Astro – Biology, Astronomy, and neurology.

  • Time travel

    Hi friends, tin this post we will see about this very important and mind-boggling question, what time travel is and have we done it already. so, what is time travel? well, time travel is moving in time and you’re travelling time even now. but still you’re moving forward on time, for it takes time to…

  • History of rockets

    Hi everyone, rockets are very traditional for us so you may ask ,”Rockets are invented now only, how is thinking the concept was old”. If you think like that your wrong so now you may ask, “If I am wrong when was it invented” so the answer is the rockets where invented at 1232th AD…

  • My first game – Planet Hunter

    My first game – Planet Hunter

    Intro Hi every one!  I made a game called Planet Hunter with lots of help from my father especially for debugging. You can watch a demo of the game in this video below. If you want play this game check out the github repository iniyan2013/planetHunter: a planet hopping developed on python ( Please share your…

  • Manned interstellar rockets

    Manned interstellar rockets

    (this design may not work, and that doesn’t mean it would not work for 100%, this is just a theory) Rockets using normal chemical or solar energy are short-lasting and costly so space travel is hard, if not impossible. So right now Dyson-spheres, worm holes, and warp – drive technology is not available yet. So…

  • How did Moon form?

    Scientists suggest many theories about the formation of moon. The first theory is capture theory. The capture theory which says moon was formed elsewhere and one day moon was attracted to earth’s gravity and started to revolve earth. The second well accepted theory the big impact theory. This theory says that there were two planets…