Category: history of communism
Indo-Chinese socialism
Like most of the countries of the global south Vietnam was colonized by the bloodthirsty imperialist west (colonized by France). Vietnamese were subjected to brutal economic exploitation, high taxes, and a harsh legal system that favored the colonizers. The workers and peasants kept on getting angrier because of the long working hours and bad working…
Chinese revolution
Have you ever heard of the word Maoist in Newspapers and wondered what it is? Have you seen the flag of a country with five golden stars and the rest of it red, China. Wondered what it is? To start with we must go to the Taiping rebellion, which started just after the publishing of…
First modern revolution to counter capitalism
After when the father of communism, Karl Marx breathed his last breath in London only ten people attended the grave when his best friend Fredrich Engels said “His name and work will endure through the ages.”. That day the other 9 people who attended the mourning of the death of Marx thought whatever Engels said…
Communism before Karl Marx
Prehistoric cave dwellers and hunter and gatherer societies used no money and there was no division of rich and poor, there was no private property (private property means property from which you can make income such land) and all the member of society was delivered social justice. Whatever they got was from the hard work…
what is communism
As we see in the movies cavemen and prehistoric hunter and gatherer societies used no money and there was no division of rich and poor. What ever they got was from the hard work of every member of the society. Therefore, whatever they got from the hard work was equally redistributed. This is not only…