Lemonade shop for astronomy club


We, my friends Sai, Akshara, and I started an astronomy club with support of my parents. This all begun one day when I went to the nearby park. I saw two Annas on the swing talking about their own lemonade shop. I got inspired, and I also wanted to start one too. I talked about it to my father and he agreed. But he asked, “What would you use the fund for?”. Since I’m very interested in learning about space and astronomy, I replied ”space”. “Then why don’t you use it to start an astronomy club? Maybe you can buy a telescope with that fund” he said. I was delighted and started thinking about the lemonade shop. Next day Sai, and Akshara came to play and they were also excited when I told them about the lemonade shop and the astronomy club. They also joined and we initially selected the name “ISA cool stall” then we finally settled for “Friends Cool Bar”.

My father was the one who bought the raw material and provided to us for free in addition to giving moral support. First, we thought we would have a shed and every one would drink juice under the shed. We were also thinking of doing sandwich. But we didn’t do any of those plans and the shop was very simple. And it was better, because if we would have gone with those ideas it would have become very complicated and we could not have managed it. We kept it simple and only had fresh lemon juice, fresh lemon soda along with packaged lichi, orange and mango juice.

First day of the lemonade shop was a trial.  We set it up in our house, inviting our neighbors. We sold lemonade worth of 320₹ and it was a little hard and fun. I was keeping accounts and explaining about the astronomy club to the customers. Sai and Akshara were making and serving the juices.

On the second day the trail was on the park within our apartment. Because we’re a little too late only least of the people came to our shop. I told my father that I didn’t want the shop to be inside our apartment, but he didn’t listen and wanted us to go step by step. On the second day we collected only 155₹.

The third day, we had the shop on the road outside the apartment. Because of that we met new people that day and collected 230₹. My father got a little grumpy because of the arguments between Sai, Akshara and I on who gets to do what. He strictly warned that if we were to argue like that the lemonade shop will be closed. The fourth day there were not fights and chaos. Also, Rajendran uncle made vazhaithandu juice to encourage our initiative and we gave it for free to all the visitors. Because it was Sunday, we had more visitors. Some visitors paid more for the juice to support us and that day luckily, we got 770₹.

We wanted to continue the lemonade shop till May end, but my father said it is already a grand success and asked us to wind it up because he could not support us due to his work. Plus, the setting up the shop and closing it required lots of work and the budget for raw material was also high. Over all it was a lot of fun. We collected 1475₹, but still my father has promised to buy a Dobsonian telescope. We are eagerly awaiting to see the planets via the telescope.


3 responses to “Lemonade shop for astronomy club”

  1. Dharmaraj Avatar

    Congrats Ini,Akshara and Sai for your valuable thoughts and wishing you all to succeed in your goals..

  2. Thankyou, for wishing

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