Introduction: Have you ever thought ill-treated animals could start a rebellion? Can you Imagine animals running a self-sustained nation, that too using the principle of communism.
This is barely possible in the real world in fiction, George Orwell has generated a wonderful fable picturing these questions. So I will about this book animal farm.
About the author:
George Orwell is a prolific author who was an ex- police officer in British India composed many dystopian books. He wrote especially related to the political theories of totalitarianism, dictatorship, Trotskyism, democracy and etc.
The story:
Firstly, many animals are in a farm subjected to oppression. They were in the farm named manor farm, owned by a farmer named jones. There were many animals, donkeys, goats, horse, cows, hens, pigs, dogs and a useless Raeven named mosses. Mosses used to tell tales about a place in the sky named sugar-candy-mountain. And all animals hated him.
One night, MR. jones was going to sleep, while the animals slowly came and assembled before the pig named old major. He said that since he is going to die as he was 12 years old, he said that no animal had ever been free and happy so we victims of oppression have to start a rebellion against jones.
After some time, old major was dead, still the animals had the hope of rebellion. Still, it was hard to convince some foolish animals, but they did it somehow and chased away jones.
After the revolution the animals had overwhelming joy. After that a pig named snowball said that he learnt how to read. With that the animals all wrote the seven commandments which was their constitution. Since animals were having a hard time memorizing the commandments they so they simplified it into four “legs good two legs bad”. After that they made a government that would meet on Sundays and the animal farm had a green flag. The animals also decided to equally distribute their harvests to all animals. After some time, there was small committees to educate the animals and tame wild animals. The pigs were good at reading which is same to the goats and some other animals. The taming wild animals were not successful. Another pig named Napolean opposed snowball’s progressive Ideas. They’re started political turmoil inside the animal farm. After that once there was a war between jones for recapturing his farm. The animals won. This battle was battle of cowshed. One day when snowball proposed the idea of making a windmill, he was chased out of the farm by Napolean’s dogs. Soon Napolean told that only the pigs can make decisions, therefore there was no Sunday meetings. Napolean started a dictatorship and oppressed all the animals except pigs. The pigs alone could sleep in a bed. The pigs could wake an hour later. One of the earliest ideals of the animal farm after the rebellion, such as not to use alcohol and money, no animal was to engage in trade. Napolean ignored all of these ideas. He even sold boxer a horse the most faithful laborer, to the butcher after the death of that boxer. Napolean killed the hens who rebelled against Napolean.
Final thoughts:
This story goes like the Russian revolution, The old major as Vladmir Lenin, MR. Jones as Nicholas Tsar, Napolean as Joseph Stalin, Snowball as Leon Trotsky and Boxer and the other animals as the faithful workers of Russia. I think that this story contains a very important lesson for newly formed socialist and communist nations. It is that no country is or should let greedy or power-hungry folks to power, they act like they are patrons or friends of the founding ideology of the country, but they really are not intended to do that or sometimes they take advantage of the founding ideology for their selfish wants. Just like Napolean and his sidekick squealer.
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