As we see in the movies cavemen and prehistoric hunter and gatherer societies used no money and there was no division of rich and poor. What ever they got was from the hard work of every member of the society. Therefore, whatever they got from the hard work was equally redistributed. This is not only in the movies but this has happened in real pre-history itself in many parts of the world. This is somehow related to communism is, but this is known as primitive communism because this type of communism and their communal practices were not exactly based on ideological principles.

The same thing slightly differed could be applied in a modern society. But how? The modern version of communism employed several factories according to the several needs of the people of the nation. Instead of hunting something as a society and cutting it into equal pieces and giving it to everyone in the society, owning a large farmland as a society and working on it to get a nice harvest and redistributing the harvest to everyone in the society or any other types of sources of production owned by the society and re distributed to the society, big factories are built and there are many of them and different types of them. Each laborer has one need, and many others may have the same need so the workers from the factories which produce the goods that are needed by the workers from the other factories will be given. In return the other factory will give the goods that are needed by the workers in the factory which gave them the goods they need. This may sound like the barter system but in this communism the government will be organizing this exchange that is they will get the goods from other factories and giving it to every worker in the nation equally. Another thing that justifies that communism is not barter system is that in barter system you trade something that you own but you really do not own any thing. Also, because that if the if the factory is a private property the workers of the factory are totally controlled by the factory boss and he only wants to increase his own profit therefore he will give the lowest profit possible, the worst working conditions possible and the highest working duration possible. Instead of a private property if the workers or the government owns the factory it’s the workers choice- the highest salary is to be paid, what the working duration is and what the working duration is. This is also good for the owners because they don’t need to face high amounts of headaches when the corporation face huge amounts of loss because the boss has to pay for it. This type of work owned systems often employs democratic leadership and labor unions. This system can be explained as “FOR EACH ACORDING TO NEED FOR EACH ACORDING TO SKILL” also since that all property is owned by the society as whole another quote by Karl Marx (known as the father of communism) is “THE THEORY OF COMMUNISM IS SUMMED UP TO A SENTENCE ABOLITION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY”. There are misconceptions in this system because that Karl Marx said abolish all private property that does not mean your Neighbour cannot peep into your house and take your toothbrush. Things that all human beings need to have for themselves (example: toothbrush, towel, hair comb and etc.) are known as personal property that no decent communist will not deny you having it for yourself but private property that is to be abolished in by definition communist societies are a means of production from where you can make money from. This is because in communism is that you own nothing, but you own everything. This may be hard to understand so I made a chart (fig1) that will help you understand.





4 responses to “what is communism”

  1. Jayakumar Avatar

    Very good introduction. Continue with additional details.

  2. Gayathri Avatar

    Very good iniyan ….

  3. Bhakyalakshmi Avatar

    Excellent dear keep writing.

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