First Buddha(story)

Disclaimer : This story is completely fictional do not take any characters real.

Once, in the distant past, approximately 10,000 years ago, an ancient tribal civilization thrived within the verdant embrace of Tiruvannamalai’s forested expanse. These Dravidians, the forebears of our present lineage, called this woodland sanctuary home. The forest was a haven brimming with life, where endangered creatures roamed freely, weaving their existence into the rich tapestry of the dense foliage.

One tranquil evening, under the veil of twilight, the tribal soldiers embarked on a mission to hunt an elephant, a prized pursuit in their culture. However, fate veered its course, denying them the fortune of an elephant sighting. In their search, they encountered a figure, an elderly man whose countenance radiated wisdom, carrying a simple bamboo staff.

Asserting his authority, the chief soldier stepped forward, his voice echoing through the quiet woods. “Identify yourself! Why do you wander these woods? Speak, or face the consequences!”

The old man, his eyes twinkling with an otherworldly wisdom, chuckled softly before responding, “Hehe, I have wandered these woods for a millennium, awaiting my disciple, Gautama Buddha, who will join me in another 8000 years.”

“Buddha?” questioned the chief, a mixture of confusion and skepticism etched across his face. Some soldiers exchanged doubtful glances, unsure of the old man’s sanity. “This man’s words confound us,” muttered one soldier, shaking his head in disbelief. “Who, indeed, is this Buddha?”

With an air of calmness, the venerable sage explained, “Buddha enlightens us about the root cause of suffering, aiming to alleviate it for all sentient beings.” Suddenly, he emanated a profound aura, his presence seemingly glowing with an inner light, leaving the soldiers awe-struck.

Filled with curiosity and humility, one soldier spoke up, “Sir, would you honor us by sharing your teachings?”

The old sage nodded benevolently. “Indeed, I am willing to guide you. Amidst this primitive era, your profound curiosity and comprehension of complex notions intrigue me.” The soldiers, moved by this unexpected encounter, escorted the sage to their tribal village, a decision that would alter the course of their lives profoundly.

The village stirred with disbelief as the soldiers returned, not with the spoils of a successful hunt but with an esteemed sage. Their prowess in hunting had always been a source of pride, with tales of returning triumphant, having conquered numerous tigers and elephants. This time, however, it was merely an old man, a stark contrast to their usual conquests. Gathered in hushed anticipation, the villagers awaited an explanation.

A brave soldier stepped forward, recounting the extraordinary encounter in the heart of the forest. As he spoke, the villagers’ initial skepticism transformed into awe and curiosity. They listened intently, pondering the mysteries of the universe that the sage hinted at.

As seasons passed, the sage’s teachings began to permeate the village, transforming their way of life. They delved into the realms of science and mathematics, constructing simple machines and exploring new ideas. The villagers erected a grand institution of learning, fostering a society grounded in wisdom. They established a government based on democratic principles, and through relentless pursuit, they even harnessed the power of electricity.

The transition wasn’t immediate. It took years of dedicated learning and gradual change. The sage’s guidance was patient and profound, helping the villagers to not only grasp but also apply complex concepts. The village thrived, becoming a beacon of knowledge and progress in the ancient world.

Driven by their newfound knowledge, the villagers eventually journeyed southward, leaving behind a legacy of enlightenment and innovation. They harbored a fervent belief that future civilizations should independently rediscover these concepts. Hence, they dismantled their advanced settlement, embracing a simpler existence in Keeladi, where they nurtured the wisdom of Buddha’s teachings.

Their decision symbolized a profound sacrifice, choosing tranquility and the preservation of knowledge over the allure of progress. They dispatched the sage northward to fulfill his destiny, enlightening Gautama Buddha, while the legacy of wisdom and enlightenment echoed through the corridors of time, shaping the course of civilization and guiding humanity toward enlightenment.


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