Most of us may have seen a sculpture very neatly dressed man raising his hand upwards, or mostly people know him as Babasaheb. This man is none other than B. R. Ambedkar, a revolutionary who shook India which was driven into endless amounts of meaningless customs.

This revolutionary man was born to a Kabir follower or the followers of the Bakti movement started in Tamil Nadu. The Bhakti movement is a Vishnu following group but, it doesn’t support caste and other inequalities. He was born to a Dalit family (Mahar) a popular Dalit caste in Maharashtra were it was previously ruled by Chhatrapati Shivaji. As his father was a military subedar of the British army. 

Ambedkar was discriminated very much in his school, even water he drinks comes from the school helper who would pour water from a safe distance. Like that he was even forbidden from taking water from a public well. He would not even be touched by anybody because, the higher caste Brahmins thought that outcaste people should not touch the untouchables and shouldn’t be touched by untouchables.

Ambedkar have to manage all these inequalities and studied so much so that he would be able to fight all these inequalities. Because that fortunately there were some Christian missionaries managed to educate outcasted and poor children. later, he got a scholarship from Sayaji Rao III, the king of Baroda. Then he was sent to London to study law, where there was no discrimination from others.

Then his expenses increased and the scholarship which was given to him had been expired so he begged the Maharaja to extend it. Then he would pay back the money for the extra courses for which the scholarship was not for.

Later he started to revolt against the untouchability and burnt the Manu smriti, a Hindu text that supports caste. The untouchables drank from public tank which they were first forbade from as they were out casted people.

Then he thought reforming Hinduism is useless, so he went to Buddhism where there was no inequalities. 

Later he was called to create the Indian constitution.


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