constitution of India

I have been reading Subhadra sen Gupta’s book called “The Constitution of India for children”.

Below are some important parts of the book.

The constitution is a set of guidelines to the government about how to rule the country properly. The constitution is headed by its first page the preamble which is just summary of the main constitution. The Indian constitution is a democratic republic. The Indian constitution has four main principles, those are liberty, fraternity, equality, and justice. These principles came from the French revolution, and before the French revolution the French people were even denied the basic rights. Liberty means the people can do whatever they want, even protest against the government. Fraternity means the people take care of other citizens like brothers and sisters. Equality means none of the citizens of India are denied basic rights on the basis of religion, caste, or gender. Before India had won independence Dalits were treated so badly by the social evils, so DR.B.R. Ambedkar protested the social evils and demanded rights for Dalits. Justice means fair solution to the problems of the people of India. Sardar Vallabai Patel was interested in giving justice to the tribal people and minorities.

The constitution is secular which means all the religions will be respected which means the Indian government is tolerant with every religion in the country. India had a great history of tolerant kings such as Krishna deva Raya of the Vijayanagar empire who had Islamic generals and Haider Ali who had Hindu Diwans such as Purnaiyah.

We know about liberty, fraternity, equality, and justice and secularity now we did not discuss about democracy and republic. Democracy is choosing leaders whom most of the people accept. Citizens do not directly elect the leaders in India, instead we elect members who could represent the people, then the representatives elect a leader as chief minister for state or prime minister for country. These representatives are called MLA in state level and MP in the parliament. Now republic means a collective number of people ruling the country, and what if I say this concept is not modern, but this concept was ancient. The Lichavi tribe which had been before the period of Budha which few people ruling the tribe and that means it is a simple form of republic. The Indian constitution was made by DR. B.R Ambedkar and his team for 3 years. And was finished in 1949 and came to effect in 1950. And if a prime minister is being threatened of getting away from his/her position or the government needs full power on the country an emergency period would be declared as the one declared by prime minister Indhira Gandhi in 1975 – 1977 during that the constitution would be put on hold which also means the country will be turned into a dictatorship. This act is valid under the article 352 – 360 in the constitution. Still India is somehow corrupt because of heavy commissions for getting accused people to get out from jail or governing parties getting money from companies, people who want to do something that breaks the law.


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