First day on astronomy club : Moon craters watching

I wrote that our telescope was coming but it was delayed a lot and it finally arrived at four days of delay . we were very excited to unbox it. We got a Bresser hunter binocular, and Bresser messier dia(5inch)  Dobsonian telescope.

For testing the telescope, we saw the nearby hill.  That night we organized a program for moon crater watching . At  first it was actually very difficult to point and focus the telescope towards the moon. after some trial and error we were able to set it up. The view of the moon through the telescope was magnificent and it was very detailed. I wanted to see it for all night. We could see the craters and the “oceans” very clearly, but we didn’t know the name of those craters.  We used the moon map for referring it.

After that we were able to identify some prominent craters, and “oceans” . The most easily observed crater is called Tycho crater. It is accurately in the north. And Copernicus crater is nearby straight to Tycho crater it is also very prominent and easily observed and it is gigantic, there is also Kepler crater to the list it is very small and dim. Ocean of tranquility is also very popular because it is the place where Apollo 11 landed. There is also ocean of serenity nearby ocean of tranquility.

And my father even tried to take a photo but it very hard to do so. So, he bought a phone adopter even then it was very hard but we finally managed to click the above picture few days later. Since we were observing the moon in at night the planets were not visible. We decided to get up early in the morning to observe Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Venus.




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